The goal of this project is to make the brand the referral point of the company management.

It is, in fact, an integrated solution (strategy - process -organization ), which impacts on the structural characteristics of the company, to improve its brand management over the time and, by that, to maximize the value of the entire company.

As a result of such a project the company gets: new processes, new organization, new methods . These elements are defined considering the specific characteristics of the company and relying  on solid theoretical foundations, so that, ultimately, the company also acquires a new Brand Management culture.



In a business context where the best companies invest  a lot to redefine their operational processes (production , administrative, logistics , ... ), brand, however, is often managed in an unstructured way . Paradoxically, most of the companies seem to devote lower attention to their primary asset: the only one capable to guarantee significant elements of differentiation in a competitive environment where the intangibles become crucial more and more.

As a result of an anachronistic managerial culture, in fact, brand continues to be considered as a matter where only creativity counts. A task where there is no room for method and programming. And that’s one of the main reasons why  brand struggles to establish itself as the central reference point of the company strategy and operations .

A Brand Process Reengineering project tends, therefore, to resolve this paradox and to really put the brand at the center of company management, proposing an approach to brand management based on the formalization of specific processes and supporting organization.


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