BRAND ASSESSMENT - What's the health of the brand? - What activities (deliberate or not) impact on its identity? - Are the values of the brand clearly defined? - Are its representations capable to ensure a differentiating positioning? - Is the brand communicated to all the relevant publics and is it communicated by the correct methods? - Are there any discrepancies between desired identity, communicated identity and perceived identity? - Are organization and current processeses adequate for effecctive brand management?
These are some of the main questions that a Brand Assessment project will provide solid answers to. The Brand Assessment is a high-profile project that, by virtue of the extent of the issues analyzed and for its participatory methodology, transcends its diagnostic nature to constitute a real moment of reflection and re-orientation of strategy and organization. The Brand Assessment will put the brand in the spot light (just in the heart of the company debate) and will highlight the crucial role that the brand plays to set the values of the entire company. It often become the starting point to redefine up to date and more effective processes and organization and it always comes out also as a very important learning experience for the entire management team. |